2441S.385OW.,Site B West Valley City UT 8412O


High-Quality Oil Filtration Systems

Founded in 2014, NLOFT has a strong commitment to creating high-quality oil filtration systems. Their specialties include standard and custom-designed oil filtration equipment. They are dedicated to providing customers with the most flexible systems to fit their customized needs.
no limit oil filtration technologies

Customer service is a high priority at NLOFT. They want to make sure that you are completely satisfied with your new oil filtration system. Their experts are ready to address any questions or concerns you may have. NLOFT understands that your needs may not be met by standardized equipment. In those cases, they are able to customize your system appropriately. Their experts will take the care and time necessary to ensure that your unique system will be able to fulfill your needs.

NLOFT serves a variety of industries. They are proud to provide premium oil filtration systems to the power generation industry, pulp and paper, refineries, and steel mills.

NLOFT is proud to provide reliable products to their customers. Their products include vacuum dehydrators, the High Vacuum Transformer Oil Conditioner Unit, and filter carts.

The vacuum dehydrator is known as the Water Particulate Removal System (WPRS) at NLOFT. It is designed to maximize water extraction and remove harmful gases that contribute to contamination. These contaminants will cause problems with your machinery, leading to costly maintenance repairs and downtime. Using the WPRS will result in clean and dry oil. They key to high-functioning machinery is a proper vacuum dehydrator.

The High Vacuum Transformer Oil Conditioner Unit (HVTOCU) is specially designed by the experts at NLOFT. It is a multi-purpose unit that produces dry transformer oil by removing water. It can achieve a 10-PPM water content, or even lower in some cases.

The filter cart systems at NLOFT are referred to as Mobile Filtration Systems (MFS). These systems remove particulates leading to water contamination. This unit can be used for a variety of applications including a truck to reservoir transfer. Its typical flow rates range from 5 to 2000-GPM and it can be used on a wide range of products. These products include gear oils, insulating oils, lube oils, phosphate ester, and hydraulic oils.

At NLOFT, you are sure to find oil filtration technology to fit your needs. Their team of experts is ready to customize equipment for you and address any of your concerns or questions. You will not be disappointed in their carefully designed products.

NLOFT products are available at Davidson Sales and Engineering.

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