2441S.385OW.,Site B West Valley City UT 8412O


Static Mixers And Heat Exchangers

Kenics engineers quality static mixers and heat exchangers that are designed to process specific elements in housing for continuous flow applications. These mixers and exchangers use the energy from the process stream which allows them to blend, disperse, and provide heat transfer while minimizing energy loss. Kenics creates shell and tuber exchangers that can boost heat transfer rates for high viscosity cooling and heating applications. Some Kenics products include:


KM Mixers has the ability to thoroughly and continuously mix all material. These mixers eliminate radial gradients in temperature, velocity, and material composition. Velocity reversal and flow division results are undeniable as mixing efficiency are increased. The KM Series Mixers are patented helical mixing element directs the flow of material radially between the pipe walls and center.


KMX-V Mixers mix all kind of applications, even the demanding ones with the KMX-V Mixers. Fluids with widely disparate viscosities or volume ratios can be easily mixed. Patented in 2002, the mixer was enhanced in 2012 to handle difficult laminar flow mixing application and extreme viscosity and volume ratios.


HEV Mixers for efficient mixing try the HEV Mixer. It’s designed to maximize the conversion of turbulent energy into the best mixing for a variety of applications.


The UltraTab mixers provide rapid mixing in short distances. It’s commonly used in water treatment, desalinization plants, and chemical processing applications.


WVM Mixers are made up of a wall additive injection point, a pre-distribution tab immediately downstream of the injection point, and trapezoid shaped mixing elements.


Heat Exchangers for Kenics Static Mixer technology offers the highest available coefficients for uniform heat transfer. These heat exchangers are capable of reliable operation in a wide range of process applications, including polymer, plastic, and food and beverage industries.

Kenics static mixers and heat exchangers utilize process specific elements in housing for continuous flow applications. The elements use the energy from the process stream to provide blending, dispersion, and heat transfer with minimal pressure (energy) loss. Shell and tube exchangers utilized Kenics elements to boost heat transfer rates for high viscosity cooling and heating applications over a conventional shell and tube heat exchangers.

Kenics mixers and heat exchangers are available at Davidson Sales and Engineering.

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