2441S.385OW.,Site B West Valley City UT 8412O



The expertise of Flowserve covers needs like flow-control challenges, product lines, and engineering, project management. With 200 years of experience, Flowserve not employees over 17,500 associates in over 300 locations around the world. Their products come in a wide variety including 100 plus distinct pump models in addition to a range of valve and seal products. The combination of their products and engineering services provide for lower operating costs, prolonged equipment life, high productivity, and optimized performance.

FlowServe’s extensive experience ranges from helping move 13 million barrels of oil through the Alaskan pipeline to moving more than three million acres of water through an irrigation system in Thailand. After over two centuries of history, FlowServe has become an excellent resource for solving problems in all sorts of industries around the world.

FlowServe products are tested and tried to ensure their safety and reliability. With the highest quality pumps, valves, and seals, you can’t go wrong with FlowServe. These products are also designed to reduce the company’s carbon footprint with streamlined execution.

The commitment to customer service from FlowServe is unparalleled. Their resources are varied from online tools to educational services to software downloads. Through their educational services, you can become a flow management expert or learn to solve your flow control challenges through their online tools. Their online library will allow you to browse product installation guides, manuals, technical documentation, and more helpful information.

FlowServe’s expertise in the pump industry is unmatched and dates back to the 18th century with early steam pump engines. Their depth of experience in the application of pre-engineered, engineered, and special pumps and systems are unparalleled.

FlowServe’s pumps play an important role in clean energy, greenhouse gas reduction, portable water supply efforts, application of advanced production, and process technologies. They currently offer the world’s most extensive lines of ISO 13709/API 610, ISO 2858 and ASME B73.1 compliant design.

With FlowServe you can find high quality overhung pumps, between bearing pumps, vertical pumps, positive displacement pumps, side channel pumps, and other specialty products such as nuclear pumps and seal, pumps for extreme temperatures, energy recovery turbines, and more.

With FlowServe offering more than 100 distinct pump models, excellent technical support, progressive hydraulics, mechanical, materials, monitoring, and diagnostic capabilities, it’s easy to see why they are a leader in their field. These specialty products continue to grow as FlowServe progresses into the future. With all their innovation, their future looks bright.


flowserve metal bellows seals


flowserve compressor seals and systems


flowserve mixer seals


flowserve oem and special duty seals


flowserve pusher seals


gas barrier and containment seals

Flowserve Mechanical Seals and Seal Support Systems are available at Davidson Sales & Engineering, Incorporated.You can visit our store at 2441 S. 3850 W., Site B West Valley City UT 84120 or call at 801-977-9200 and email [email protected]. Davidson Sales & Engineering sells and services Donaldson Filtration Solutions and products in Nevada, Idaho, Wyoming, Montana, and Utah.

Source of Products, Systems, and Images: https://www.flowserve.com/

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