2441S.385OW.,Site B West Valley City UT 8412O



After over 60 years of service, Chemineer has gone from an attic office in Ohio to a global organization.

Chemineer is an innovative company that designs and manufactures standard and customized fluid agitation equipment and systems.

When it comes to chemical, water and wastewater treatment, plastics and resins, petrochemical, pulp, paper, and pharmaceutical industries, Chemineer is the place to go. Their technical expertise and numerous resources make them a leader in their field.

Chemineer engineers and other employees are versed in a wide range of chemical and mechanical engineering resources, enabling them to easily meet the specialized needs of their customers. They are consistently gathering and processing data to evaluate with their extensive computer software analysis and modeling programs. This data allows them to best optimize equipment configuration, solve problems, and specify application requirements.

With Chemineer you will not only get high-quality products but also the best customer service. Their software will track any orders made from the time they are entered into the system until they reach the shop floor. Chemineer will then be able to control shipping quality and costs with this information. The production team at Chemineer is full of highly trained experts who practice precision and timeliness with each order, shipment, and delivery to each customer.

The advanced technology at Chemineer includes Computational Fluid Mixing (CFM), Digital Particle Image Velocimetry (DPIV), Laser Doppler Anemometry (LDA), and Laser Induced Fluorescence (LIF). Chemineer is always moving forward with their impressive products and research. Their laboratory, located in Ohio, is broken down into customer testing and research and development labs. In these labs, the process of design technology goes through many stages. New products are constantly coming out of the Chemineer research and development labs as their engineers are consistently looking for the most efficient and cost-effective impellers, impeller systems, static mixers and systems, and so on.

Chemineer designs sell, manufactures, and services a line of products including agitators, high shear mixers, static mixers, and heat exchangers. You can find high-quality auxiliaries, impellers, agitators, and more. The Chemineer agitators include top, side, and bottom entering units from small scale to large scale that can be used for many different applications. Auxiliary devices for agitators include seal lubrication systems, gearbox monitoring devices, mechanical seals, steady bearings for internal shafting, and gearbox oil filtration systems. Each of these products has been created, tested, and proved in the reliable labs at Chemineer.

Chemineer products are available at Davidson Sales & Engineering, Incorporated. You can visit our store at 2441 S. 3850 W., Site B West Valley City UT 84120 or call at 801-977-9200 and email [email protected]. Davidson Sales & Engineering sells and services Chemineer products in Nevada, Idaho, Wyoming, Montana, and Utah.

chemineer fluid agitation equipment and systems
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