2441S.385OW.,Site B West Valley City UT 8412O

Davidson Sales & Engineering Nevada


The fine state of Nevada has a strong economy rooted in the tourism, mining, and cattle ranching industries. The industrials outputs of Nevada include tourism, mining, machinery, printing, publishing, food processing, and electric equipment—which fits perfectly with Davidson Sales and Engineering! We sell, rent, and repair equipment for food processing, oil and gas refining, chemical production, power generation, and municipal wastewater. Our products are the best out there for the engineering world.

Mining plays a major role in the economy of Nevada, particularly in the Las Vegas and Reno metropolitan areas. In 2004, Nevada produced 8.7% of the gold mined in the world with 6,800,000 ounces adding up to $2.84 billion worth. Though gold is by far in first, silver is also highly produced in the state with $69 million worth produced in 2004.

Nevada is commonly known as the “Silver State” because of its silver production, even though it produces more gold than silver. Aside from these shiny minerals, Nevada also mines construction aggregates, copper, gypsum, diatomite, and lithium. With so many valuable minerals coming out a Nevada, it’s easy to see why mining is so important to the economy. The cost of mining in Nevada is very high with such rich deposits.

The more rural parts of Nevada produce large amounts of agricultural outputs such as cattle, hay, alfalfa, dairy products, onions, and potatoes. More than 90% of the cropland acres, which totals to 484,000 acres, is used to grow hay—mostly alfalfa.

With such a major tourist industry in Las Vegas, Nevada attracts visitors from around the world. Aside from Vegas, Reno, Lake Tahoe, and Laughlin draw in their own tourists. With gaming and gambling being so prevalent in these areas, some casinos earn up to $1.6 billion in a year.

Davidson Sales and Engineering is happy to be of service in the exciting state of Nevada. With all that Nevada has to offer, Davidson Sales and Engineering is here to offer the best services possible. Our products and services will help Nevada move into a bright future as it continues to grow in mining, tourism, and other industries.

Whether you need to purchase, rent, or repair equipment, we’ve got your industrial needs covered. The only thing that tops our products is our customer service. If you live in Nevada, contact us today to learn why we are your best option!


Address: 2441 S 3850 W., Site B West Valley City, UT 84120
Phone: 801-977-9200
Fax: 801-977-9300
Email: [email protected]
Hours: Mo–Th: 7 AM to 5 PM, Friday: 8 AM to 12 Noon. Sa–Su: Closed

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