Milton Roy’s care for customer service is unparalleled. Their manuals and brochures are easy to follow, but for additional assistance, they also provide video tutorials online. Their highly-trained network of technicians is ready to assist you as well. They provide assistance with troubleshooting, repairs, and field services quickly and efficiently.
Milton Roy specializes in a variety of robust and reliable products. They specialize in manufacturing products for a number of industries including chemical, oil and gas, municipal water and waste treatment, industrial wastewater, petrochemical, power generation, and general industry.
If it is a metering pump you need, they have several options. Each metering pump is simple and compact, yet robust in design. They are capable of handling intense water pressures and can deliver fluids in precise, adjustable flow rates. They offer seven series of metering pumps including the G Series/MACROY, CENTRAC series, MAXROY series, MILROYAL series, mROY series, PRIMEROYAL series, and PROTEUS series. Their metering pumps have been installed hundreds of times worldwide and have one of the best track records for reliability.
With Milton Roy, you can also find high-quality process pumps, top-entry mixers, side-entry mixers, and streaming current detectors. They also provide chemical injection packaged systems that are designed in-house and customized for your unique needs.
With such an incredible reliability track record, Milton Roy is a cost-effective choice for metering pumps and mixing technology. Their products are made to last and will certainly save